Ulrich Voss wrote:
> I'll second everything Printis said and in addition please check, if
> you have the correct user-id in your passwd and group. On my
> W2K cygwin inserted (only) my local admin account to passwd,
> while I log in with my domain admin account. So id, ls -l etc. all
> look fine (admin admin), but nothing works, cause it is the false
> admin account (the false SID). OK, you mention, that you only
> have local users and no domain users, but make sure, that cygwin
> thinks the same ;-)

I have deleted & regenerated both the passwd & group files a couple of
times while playing around with various edits. It is easy to
misconfigure them so that logging in via ssh fails, but when they are
fresh generated via mkpasswd & mkgroup the ssh login succeeds as
recorded in the event log, then the connection is immediately dropped. I
assume that is because bash or sh also immediately exit when run from a
command line under that user. When I run id under anything except the
system account it hangs at 100% cpu. It also makes no difference when I
set the account policies for the user to 'act as system', 'adjust memory
quotoas', & 'replace process token'.

I didn't have any problems at all with the W2k install. This all
happened when I moved to .net server. So far I haven't seen anyone
acknowledge that they have cygwin working under .net server, so I don't
know if the problem is local to my system, or something that MS has
changed in account handling due to their recent 'focus on security'.

I did receive a suggestion to run strace, and I have the output of that
for anyone that would care to look at it. (It doesn't seem like a good
idea to send that to an open list in general, and it is also fairly
long.) Short version below:


C:\cygroot\bin>strace bash --login -i
Program name: C:\cygroot\bin\bash.exe (3776)
App version:  1003.9, api: 0.51
DLL version:  1003.10, api: 0.51
DLL build:    2002-02-25 11:14
OS version:   Windows NT-5.1
Date/Time:    2002-05-17 10:30:09
 1994    3642 [main] bash 3776 environ_init: 0xA010420:
10233 1949651 [main] bash 3776 fhandler_console::output_tcsetattr: 0 =
 (,C50018) (ENABLE FLAGS 3) (lflag 107 oflag 9)
 9971 1959622 [main] bash 3776 dtable::init_std_file_from_handle: fd 2,
handle 0
 9747 1969369 [main] bash 3776 dll_list::init: here
 5115 1974484 [main] bash 3776 dll_crt0_1: user_data->main 0x401208


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