On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 04:09:39PM -0400, hongxun lee wrote:
>Crazy, i installed almost all packages but it is missing..  There is no
>independent package for vi, right?

No, not right.  I provided you with a URL.  That + some actual effort in
inspecting things should be sufficient.

Here it is again: http://cygwin.com/packages/ .

>I dl the packages directly by FTP, not followed the guide when setup.exe
>running, and then set it up; Does it make such a diff?

Sorry.  Can't parse that.  If you are not using setup.exe to install
things then you are really on your own.

One would assume that if you are bypassing the normal method of
installing things then you would have sufficient knowledge to do it
yourself.  Otherwise there is no reason for you to do things the hard


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