In an earlier post, Gerrit P. Haase said...

> Hallo Chris,
> Am Montag, 20. Mai 2002 um 11:47 schriebst du:
> > Anyone know why the s2p tool in Cygwin seems to demand brackets '(' 
> > around substitution lines in a sed script? What form of script does 
> > it expect? Using echo and piping one-liners at the tool works but it 
> > doesn't seem to like script files much.
> Can you please post a small example/testcase of this 'bug'?

On further investigation there are two things going on. First the 
error message was overwriting itself onto one line, so sticking a \n 
into the s2p script solved that annoyance. Then after further 
fiddling I realised that setting the fileformat=unix rather than dos 
(in vim) solved the problem. The script wasn't apparently built for 
cross platform work!

Thanks for the prompt response.


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