I am trying to write a script that checks the % free of local drives using

$ df -a
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
C:\cygwin\bin         19936633   5750854  14185779  29% /usr/bin
c:\cygwin\lib         19936633   5750854  14185779  29% /usr/lib
\\server1\rob         961282048 850460672 110821376  89% /rob
c:\cygwin             19936633   5750854  14185779  29% /
c:                    19936633   5750854  14185779  29% /cygdrive/c
d:                      544324    544324         0 100% /cygdrive/d
u:                   961282048 850460672 110821376  89% /cygdrive/u

The problem is that when I run df --local, I only see remotely mounted
$ df --local
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
\\server1\rob         961282048 850460672 110821376  89% /rob

Is this a bug? It seems to be opposite of what you would expect.

Also, is there a way to exclude the CDrom drive from the script, since it
will always show 100%?

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