On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 01:02:41AM +0200, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>>So your ID from the keyservers is: FBD3EB8E, but your mail is signed from
>>>KeyID C2C97282. (I don't find this ID on the keyserver)
>>>So, who wrote this mail for you? ;-)
>I don't doubt that, but I get:
>$ gpg --search-keys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>gpg: searching for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from HKP server 
>Keys 1-5 of 5 for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>(1)     Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1024
>          created 2002-07-19, key FBD3EB8E
>(2)     Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1024
>          created 2002-07-19, key FBD3EB8E
>(3)     Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1024
>          created 2002-07-19, key FBD3EB8E
>(4)     Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1024
>          created 2002-07-19, key FBD3EB8E
>(5)     Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1024
>          created 2002-07-19, key FBD3EB8E
>Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > 1
>gpg: requesting key FBD3EB8E from HKP keyserver wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
>gpg: key FBD3EB8E: invalid subkey binding
>> -----------------^^^^^^^
>gpg: key FBD3EB8E: not changed
>gpg: Total number processed: 1
>gpg:              unchanged: 1
>I will double check this tomorrow on a "real" unix, maybe gpg on cygwin
>has a problem. Would be good to know ;-)

Actually, I would first suggest taking this off list.  If it turns out
to be a cygwin problem then you can discuss things here.

I think that speculating about someone's personal gpg keys is remarkably
off-topic for this list otherwise.


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