On 9/26/2002 9:38 PM, Doru Carastan wrote:

> How about breaking free from using the windoze registry.  There is
> absolutely no special need to use it IMO.  All the mount info can
 > be stored in a plain ASCII file like 'cygwin.cfg'.   As part of its
 > initialization the cygwin1.dll can use GetModuleFileName() to figure
 > out from where it was loaded and attempt to parse a possible config
 > file located in the same dir with it.

This doesn't work so good if the user doesn't have write permissions to 
the "bin" directory - where would the user mounts go?

So then you'd need one "system mount file" (like above), and one "user 
mount file" per user. And where would that go? Especially if you have to 
do a user mount to get to the user's home directory in the first place?

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