ken j wrote:
> Christopher Faylor-8 wrote:
>> I've been hoping that I won't have to step in and be mean but I would
>> appreciate it if you would find some other forum for working out your
>> beginner programming issues.
> Sorry for pursuing a meaningful dialogue with a helpful fellow user in the
> wrong space. I will do as you suggest. Many thanks Mark J. Reed for the huge
> boost in launching me in the direction I am headed.

  We can't be a general teach-you-unix service, but there are a ton of good
tutorials out there if you google e.g. "linux beginner's guide".  But!  You'll
find that Cygwin differs from some of the ways that Linux does stuff, because
it's an emulation running on top of windows rather than an entire operating
system; and *that*'s where we come in.  Drop back here when you run up against
something that doesn't work as the tutorials say it should (and take a browse
through the Cygwin FAQ and User's Guide on your way) and we'll be able to
explain if you've run up against one of these differences and how it works.


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