Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> On 08/28/2009 02:55 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> Larry Hall:
>>> Adding a link to<>  shouldn't be allot of
>>> work
>>> and may help if the menu was properly named.
>> Good idea. I'll throw a name into the ring: "Cygwin package manager".
> While I personally would think that's fine, I'm not sure it addresses the
> need that sparked this thread offshoot.  For people who have trouble
> recognizing that they need to invoke 'setup.exe' to update, add and remove
> packages, we might need to be more explicit like "Update/Add/Remove
> Cygwin Software".  I'm not married to my alternate wording though.

  An actual literal link to the website will just launch a browser and a "Save
as / Run from ..." dialog on most people's machines.  I think doing this right
would require us to keep a local copy of setup.exe on people's machines.  That
probably implies making a proper package of it and figuring out a way for it
to be able to update itself.  Nothing too impossible about that, we could add
a command-line option telling setup.exe to duplicate and re-spawn itself from
a temp copy, or just wrap a bash script around it to do that.  I like the idea
of having one link called "Package Manager" that starts it at the first page
and another called "Update/Add/Remove Cygwin Software" that runs it in
unattended install-from-internet mode right through to the chooser page.


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