On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 00:56:06 +1200, Nicholas Sherlock
> Vincent R. wrote:
>> Back in old times it was possible to compile with no cygwin dependencies
>> using something like -mno-cygwin.
> I hear that a proper cross-compiler is coming to replace -mno-cygwin.
>> Will it be possible to compile again with mingw-4.4 from cygwin console
> You can just install MinGW separately and add the MinGW folders to your 
> path. That's what I do in order to use MinGW's GCC with the Cygwin 
> toolset.. :).
Don't repeat ;-) it but I am quite confident in cygwin quality and it's not
always the case with some mingw
release and their msys (I am always getting nervous when I try it). With
cygwin you click on setup.exe
and it just works(and if it doesn't it's generally fixed the next day).

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