Harald Joerg wrote:
> Linda Walsh writes:
>> [...] OTOH, at least the defaults are pretty sensible ...
> Pretty sensible, indeed.  I love /cygdrive as just another example of a
> pretty sensible default.
        Well, MS, put their unix in /unix.  Wouldn't it make sense to put
a cygwin subsystem in /cygwin?  

        It's not like it's really "a program" (belonging in "/prog"...).

>> ... (I can just hit ENTER), through the setup ...
> ...and the default buttons in the GUI are always in the same place on
> the screen, so if I happen to use a mouse I can just click through, no
> need to move the mouse.  Not a big deal, maybe, but if so, why are so
> many other installers missing it?
        I *used* to "not get it" viz-a-vie the GUI, too.  You just have to
place your mouse over the cygwin window, then hit the enter key a bunch
of times till you get to the program selection window.  There, I admit,
it is sized awfully small to see anything -- so I usually have to resize
if I want anything other than the default selection...

>> ... -- EXCEPT...at the end -- how many times do I have to tell setup
>> that I *STILL* don't want the icon on my desktop??!
> I eventually got around that one.
> I found that I do not want *any* icons on my desktop and switched them
> off completely.  There is an option in the "Sort symbols" function of
> the desktop.
        Well...there are times when I grab all of the icons on my desktop
in some frustrated moment, and drop them in a permanent link-to-folder,
'desktop-archive'...  so if I ever want to see what I tossed off the DT...

        But I put icons on the desktop for items I currently want to work
with -- sometimes it nice to have the ready access...


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