Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> * Wes S (Sat, 19 Sep 2009 18:40:49 -0400)
>> Is buried in the Cygwin project, a program like nice which keeps the 
>> system responsive when heavy cpu jobs are running except this is to 
>> use as much of bandwidth as possible unless other processes want 
>> bandwidth.  I dags but came up empty, too many false positives.

  That's not really any kind of answer to OP's question, is it?  If it is it's
certainly a bit obscurely presented.

  Wes, I've never heard of such a utility.  'nice' itself is a simple tool
that just provides a handy command-line interface to the kernel's process
priority level management features.  For what you want to be viable, it would
probably equally depend on the OS providing support, as managing the kernel's
network i/o buffers isn't something you can do from userspace.  I'm not aware
of any kernel facility that could be used to prioritise network access on a
per-task basis, let alone any way to relate that to current loading, so I
doubt you'll find that what you want exists.


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