2009/9/23 Lapo Luchini:
>> Works for me, too. Maybe not only the codepage but also the GUI locale
>> settings are involved. This is on Windows 7.
> Oh, that's interesting, it may be they improved the console in Win7?
> Did you see only the euro or also the Japanese character?
> Uh, nope. I still get "aĆ ??.txt" in my Win7 vitual machine... both with
> chcp 850 and 437. Did you do anything regarding the console settings?
> (not that it does seem to have any)

I think it depends on the font that's selected in the console
properties. With the "Raster Font", only the "OEM" codepage (i.e. 437,
850, ...) is supported. With "Lucida Console" or "Consolas", however,
it seems to switch to UTF-16 mode.

(Well, more UCS2 than UTF-16 actually, since surrogates aren't supported.)


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