On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 01:30:17PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>On Sep 28 13:12, Thomas Wolff wrote:
>> [meta-response, irrelevant for topic discussion]

That's for sure.

>> Corinna wrote:
>> > Any reason you redirected your reply to the cygwin list?  It doesn't
>> > make much sense to disuss this in two lists and it's breaking the
>> > threading on the cygwin-developers list for no apparent reason.
>> No, sorry, I had been cross-linked to the cygwin-developers archive 
>> from another mail on this list so I hadn't even noticed. And once you 
>> are on the web archive, you wouldn't easily touch the mail with your 
>> normal mailer to automatic construct a proper response, especially 
>> since I'm not subscribe to cygwin-developers, so I was pasting the 
>> wrong headers :(
>> Another note: Since I fail to receive the cygwin mailing list in my mailbox 
>> for some reason, I follow that on the web archive as well.
>If you are sure you're subscribed with the correct email address,

There is no one with "towo" in their name subscribed to the cygwin mailing

>and if you are sure that it's not something in your ISPs setup, or
>your own SPAM filter, then you should send a mail to the mailing list
>overseers at sourceware dot org, describing your problem.  Maybe they
>can help you.

Actually, this is a *postmaster* issue.  There is no reason to bother
overseers.  See http://sourceware.org/lits.html#faq .

But, since no one with a "towo" in their email address is subscribed or
has ever subscribed there doesn't seem to be any mystery here.

Also, the web archive is not intended to be a mechanism for responding
to email.  Using it to monitor the cygwin lists is not very efficient.


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