David Antliff wrote:
> I have found some serious issues with Cygwin 1.5 that I want to test
> against in the 1.7 beta, before I commit to abandoning 1.5.
> Is it possible to install Cygwin 1.7 on the same PC/filesystem as
> Cygwin 1.5, yet maintain absolute independence between the two
> versions?
> I don't want the 1.7 install to change anything in my existing 1.5
> install, as I need my 1.5 functional for other purposes.
> Is it a simple matter of installing to a different path (e.g.
> c:\cygwin1.7), or will the 1.7 install overwrite anything (e.g.
> environment variables, registry entries) that 1.5 might require?
> -- David.
> --
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From http://www.cygwin.com/:
Cygwin release 1.7 in BETA testing
Due to internal changes it is possible to install a 1.7 release in parallel to a 1.5 release and even run 1.7 processes in parallel to 1.5 processes. The processes will not know about each other! Any try to interact between 1.7-based and 1.5-based processes will lead to, at least, funny results.

To install a 1.7 release in parallel to a 1.5 release, all you have to do is to choose another root directory (for instance: C:\cygwin-1.7) in setup-1.7's "Choose Installation Directory" dialog.

NOTE: Due to the way setup-1.7 works, you have to change the directory right the first time you visit this dialog! If you pressed the "Next" button and then "Back" again, it's already too late and setup-1.7 will create a broken 1.7 install. If you pressed "Next" by mistake, exit setup-1.7 and start it again.

I followed this sage advice and so far my parallel 1.5 / 1.7 installs are not interfering with each other.


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