Hi guys, Sorry new to this. I just installed Cygwin 1.5.25-15 using the setup program, to ultimately build a GNU radio application under Windows XP. http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/CygwinGettingStarted This version of Cygwin installs: binutils version: 20080624-2 ... (and the previous version is binutils version: 20080523-1) Under the Windows Tips page: http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/WindowsTips There are several 'broken packages' in Cygwin which do not work when building the 3rd party WxPython application in GNU Radio: binutils version: 20060709-1 (obsolete); causes "Permission denied" errors on wxPython binutils version: 20080523-1; causes build errors in wxPython and Numpy The "simplest workaround is to reinstall Cygwin binutils 20060817-1". Sorry if this is a silly question (new to this), I know how to uninstall the binutils 20080624-2 that comes with Cygwin 1.5.25-15. ...but can I use the setup routine to install previous versions of binutils (such as version 20060817-1), which should be compatible with the WxPython application. If I uninstall the latest binutils, how do I get the Cygwin setup program to recognize the 2006 version of binutils. Thanks for any help. Ian
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