* Frank Kim (Fri, 2 Oct 2009 07:11:00 -0700)
> For some reason my Cygwin bash is very sluggish.  Whenever I type it
> takes awhile for it to respond.  There is no load on the system and
> when I type in Word or another program it seems fine.
> I reinstalled Cygwin but this didn't seem to fix the problem.
> I then noticed that the DOS cmd window is also very sluggish.
> Any ideas why this is happening?  My only clue is that this seemed to
> start happening after I switched the drive letters of my external hard
> drive from G:, H:, I: to E:, F:, G: respectively.
> I am running on a ThinkPad T60p w/ Symantec Anti-Virus, Sonic DLA,
> Google Desktop, etc.


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