> Da: Angelo Graziosi 
> Oggetto: Re: 'gm convert' in 1.5 and 1.7
> A: "cygwin" 
> Data: Sabato 3 ottobre 2009, 18:39
> Dave Korn wrote:
> > Half a megabyte times thousands
> > of list users only one or two of whom may actually
> want it == lots of waste.
> Really
> $ du -s test.jpg.bz2
> 336K    test.jpg.bz2
> That was the simplest JPG I had at hand. Probably, I should
> have put a link to some other JPG. Sorry, I will consider
> this next time. Sorry!
> > it's probably down to an autoconf test disabling the
> feature based
> > on the libs installed on the maintainer's build
> machine.
> In any case, if you are just curious, you can verify your
> hypothesis converting to PDF a JPG: but you need at least GM
> installed.
> I have tried to compare the two PDF, but I do not see any
> clear indication.
> Thanks,
> Angelo.

I will give a check. Probably is due to the lack of zip
on my pc. If so I will respin-shortly


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