On Oct  5 09:12, David Antliff wrote:
> 2009/10/5 Vincent Rivière <vincent.rivi...@freesbee.fr>:
> > Do you agree this is a bug and it should be fixed ?
> I've got nothing to do with the code, but I am an interested observer.
> In my experience, it should be possible to create symlinks to any
> arbitrary target, regardless of whether it actually exists or not.
> Therefore, if I create a symlink to "/bin/ls" then I'd expect that to
> be the content of the symlink - the automatic behaviour of rewriting
> it to "/bin/ls.exe" is unexpected and therefore probably incorrect
> according to some "standard" somewhere.

The Cygwin symlink(2) call does not add the .exe suffix, neither in
Cygwin 1.5, nor in Cygwin 1.7.  It looks like a feature of the ln(1)
tool from the Cygwin 1.5 coreutils, AFAICS.  ln(1) from the Cygwin 1.7
coreutils does also not add a .exe suffix.


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