On Oct  6 17:02, Andy Koppe wrote:
> 2009/10/6 Ken Brown:
> > I've tried to view the attached file (extracted from the output of fc-list)
> > in various ways, and here's what I've found (running XP in the U.S., with no
> > language-related customization):
> >
> >  - Using emacs under X, emacs recognizes the file as UTF-8 and displays the
> > foreign characters correctly.
> >
> >  - 'cat temp.txt' in the cygwin console produces lots of question marks.
> You probably need to select a Unicode-enabled font in the console's
> properties, e.g. Lucida Console.

Uh, right.  I forgot the font problem.  I'm also using Lucida Console in
the console, usually.


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