When using the cmd window you can mark text using Alt-Space for menu,
E for edit, Enter to begin mark, position cursor to start of
selection, hold shift position cursor to end and press enter to copy
to clipboard, and finally Alt-Space, E, P to paste.  Although its an
annoyingly long key sequence its pretty much automatic and I don't
think about it much, but the block mode often requires multiple
selections which is just awful even with a mouse.

I ran across a blog comment somewhere suggesting using rxvt for easier
copy/paste functionality.  Although the mouse based copy/paste is
certainly easier and fewer keystrokes required to paste text, I would
much rather avoid the mouse as much as possible.  However, I cannot
seem to find find any way to mark text with keyboard in rxvt.  I also
found mintty has a lot of nice options, but still can't seem to find
any way to copy text without a mouse. Am I missing something?


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