Rob Anderson wrote:

       Newest version installed off the web today, previous version
       6 mos ago did not have the problem.

       Symptom: ftp hangs after ls, or get, or put. It hangs
       AFTER completing the operation. (overrun?)

       Systems: Win 98 (cygwin) talking to Linux.

             I tried ncftp, often it will run without hanging, however if
       I set "passive" or other switches it too will hang.
      I cannot help with ideas, but I have to report having a similar
behavior with the new ftp. In my case it hangs only with put ( after
completing the operation). It replies to CNTRL C with a new line. In order
to abort the program I had to kill it from a different window. I
have found the same behavior talking to different OS like solaris, aix
and linux. I had no problems with ncftp. My setup is
      ftp.exe  of Jan 6 2002
      ncft.exe of Jul 30 2002
      cygwin1.dll of Jul 6 2002

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