
When evaluating 1.7 I do also conduct some speed tests with cygwin 1.5. I am using 1.5.25 und 1.7.0-62 on windows xp sp3 32bit here for my tests on a quad core machine with enough ram.

It seems that 1.7 is around 10-25% slower in my scenarios here. I did some compilation tests. Each test was performed 10 times on each cygwin version. I am using a private cygwin 1.5 build of the mingw-w64 gcc(4.4.2)/binutils(2.19) in cygwin to build on cygwin for mingw 32 and 64bit. The toolchain was (as already mentioned) build with cygwin 1.5 and is just copied over to my 1.7 installation. The toolchain built with 1.5 appears to operate fine on 1.7.

When I compile I always compile to the local disk. When my sources are located on the local harddrive compilation is around 10% slower with cygwin 1.7 compared to 1.5 and around 25% slower if I place my sources on samba 3.4 share (the linux samba server was purely private for me during my tests). I am a little bit astonished about the speed gap when putting the files local vs. putting them on a network share.

Any clues? I just made an additional test compiling stock libxml2-2.6.32 using the stock gcc3 coming with both cygwin versions and I am coming to roughly the same numbers. Is 1.7 truly slower than 1.5 or aren't all final optimizations done right now?


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