
The parenthood seems to be lost when the parent is execed.
Here is a sample code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 int status;

 if (argc > 1)   {
   printf ("Execed Parent: Cygwin: %d Windows: %lu \n",
       getpid (), GetCurrentProcessId ());
   printf("Parent has waited its child\n");
   return 0;
 switch (fork ())   {
 case 0: // Child
   printf("Child Cygwin: %d Windows: %lu Parent= %d has ended\n",
      getpid (), GetCurrentProcessId (), getppid());
 default: // Parent
   printf ("Parent : Cygwin: %d Windows: %lu\n",
       getpid (), GetCurrentProcessId (), getppid());
   execl ("./x", "x", "child", NULL);
 return 0;

Here is the execution of the code

Laurent naj...@pc4354b /cygdrive/d/src/XXX
$ gcc -o x x.c

Laurent naj...@pc4354b /cygdrive/d/src/XXX
$ ./x
Parent : Cygwin: 4308 Windows: 5080
Execed Parent: Cygwin: 4308 Windows: 4728
Parent has waited its child

Laurent naj...@pc4354b /cygdrive/d/src/XXX
$ Child Cygwin: 4784 Windows: 4784 Parent= 1 has ended

Normally, I would expect the parent to be 4308, and I would expect that parent to wait for its child.
Is this cygwin behavior a normal behavior?

Thanks in advance,
Laurent Najman

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