A test with an empty main compiled using gcc-4 under cygwin-1.7.0-63
has a size of 6.5K. After downgrading to 1.7.0-62, without changing
anything else, the size goes down to 5.0K.

$ cat test.c
int main(void)
  return 0;
$ gcc test.c -Os -s

Looking at objdump differences, both code and data size have gone up:

< SizeOfCode            00000800
< SizeOfInitializedData 00001000
> SizeOfCode            00000e00
> SizeOfInitializedData 00001600

And we're pulling in a bunch of additional functions from cygwin1.dll
and kernel32.dll:

>       515c      666  abort
>       5170      788  cygwin_create_path
>       51b0      812  dll_dllcrt0
>       51d4     1221  memcpy
>       51ec     1620  strlen
>       51f8     1742  vsnprintf

>       5238      336  GetModuleFileNameW
>       5274      388  GetStdHandle
>       5284      798  VirtualProtect
>       5296      801  VirtualQuery
>       52a6      827  WriteFile

Obviously 1.5K isn't much of a concern, but is this expected?


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