> Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >> For backup, I am trying to dump a list of the acl's for the files being
> >> backed up since my backup program doesn't handle the acls.
> >>
> >> When I use something like:
> >>    find /c -exec getfacl {} \; > mysavefile
> >>
> >> It is slow, in part at least because it has to fork a call to getfacl on
> >> each file found.
> >> Is there a faster way to do this (hopefully without having to go write
> >> C-code)?
> > 
> > getfacl -R?
>   I think you're guessing.  There's no -R option in the "getfacl --help"
> output and it got rejected when I tried it just in case.

Well, only partly.  I was looking at getfacl on my Debian box at home, and it
does have an -R option for recursive retrieval.  Strange that Cygwin doesn't
have it.

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