Steven Monai wrote:
Eliot Moss wrote:
I am getting this output when trying to rsync
to any of several systems. I have RSYNC_RSH set
to use ssh, and the ssh commands work just fine.
This smells like some kind of non-matching library
issue to me ...

rsync: Failed to dup/close: Bad file descriptor (9)
rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]:
Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at

I am curious to know: What is the specific command-line you're using to
invoke rsync when it produces the above output?

Yours may not be a Cygwin-specific problem, as I routinely use rsync
over ssh on 1.7.0-63, and I have never seen that. The rsync mailing list
is another resource you could try. The 'rsync FAQ' and 'rsync current
issues' pages (google them) may also be of help.

Thanks for the quick response. The command line is:

rsync -avzuP UK-2009-11-richards-gist

... but I get essentially the same doing other things and going
other places. It appears I cannot get through at all. (I'll have
to try another time if it's a port blocking issue from the particular
place I am.)

I could not find this in the rsync FAQs, etc.

Regards -- Eliot

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