On Nov 10 07:22, aputerguy wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen-2 writes:
> > http://www.google.com/search?q=%22bypass%20traverse%20checking%22
> I was <sigh> unaware of that "feature"
> However, after turning it off, 

Don't do that.  There's more to this user right than you see at first
sight.  A lot of stuff might not work anymore as you expected in Windows.

> While in Cygwin, for any value of <any string> whether the file/directory
> exists or not, I seem to get the following rather than an error message.
> -rw-r--r-- 1 1006 513 0 Nov 30 2006 dir/<any string>
> where 1006:513 = UID:GID

Your own user account is in the administrators group, by any chance?


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