Hi all,

I'm hitting a deadlock with cygwin pthreads when joining on a short-lived thread -- for me the second such thread creation will almost never return. It looks *exactly* like a problem that others noticed as far back as early 2005 [0], and from the output of strace on the test case (below) the culprit is almost certainly a racy optimization in __cygwin_lock_* for which a patch was submitted six months ago [1].

As of today my cygwin distribution is completely up to date. Any hope of an update coming out soon?


[0] http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/General/comp.programming/2005-02/0786.html
[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/cygwin-patc...@cygwin.com/msg04323.html

$ cat bug.cpp
#include <pthread.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#define ANNOUNCE(what) fprintf(stderr, what "\n")
extern "C" void* run(void*) {
   return 0;
int main() {
   pthread_t tid;
   for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
       ANNOUNCE("Creating thread");
       assert(0 == pthread_create(&tid, 0, &run, 0));
       ANNOUNCE("Joining thread");
       assert(0 == pthread_join(tid, 0));

$ g++ -Wall -g -mthreads bug.cpp && strace --mask=all+thread+paranoid+debug+uhoh ./a.exe
Program name: C:\cygwin\home\Ryan\experiments\a.exe (pid 2860, ppid 1)
App version:  1005.25, api: 0.156
DLL version:  1005.25, api: 0.156
DLL build:    2008-06-12 19:34
OS version:   Windows NT-5.1
Heap size:    402653184
Date/Time:    2009-11-19 11:58:33
  48   32123 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 1.  not locking
24 32147 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 1. not unlocking
  25   32172 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 1.  not locking
24 33868 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 1. not unlocking
  23   33891 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 1.  not locking
Creating thread
23 34109 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 1. not unlocking 260 34369 [unknown (0x1C8C)] a 2860 pthread::thread_init_wrapper: started thread 0x100428B0 0xD8D008 0x61102D90 0x100428B0 0x401145 0x0 33 34402 [unknown (0x1C8C)] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 2. locking
  39   34561 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 2.  locking
91 34860 [unknown (0x1C8C)] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 2. unlocked

***** Child thread exits here *****

Joining thread

***** Main thread decides it doesn't need to release the lock *****

22 35166 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 1. not unlocking
  56   35222 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 1.  not locking
Creating thread
24 36990 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 1. not unlocking 156 37146 [unknown (0x10B8)] a 2860 pthread::thread_init_wrapper: started thread 0x100428B0 0xD8D008 0x61102D90 0x100428B0 0x401145 0x0 29 37175 [unknown (0x10B8)] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 2. locking

***** Second child thread now blocked the lock which main thread holds *****

  25   37200 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_lock: threadcount 2.  locking
Joining thread

***** Apparently recursive lock acquires work? *****

  25   38604 [main] a 2860 __cygwin_lock_unlock: threadcount 2.  unlocked

***** Unfortunately main still holds the lock and is now joined on the child it blocks *****

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