I'm having some serious slowness issues with Cygwin (1.7) on my Windows 7
x64 machine. Background research told me to test things with strace, and
I've noticed that every strace so far gives me major slowness on two
consecutive lines, e.g.:

$ strace ls
   51    2680 [main] ls 3404 time: 1259235257 = time (0)
22954   25634 [sig] ls 3404 wait_sig: entering ReadFile loop, my_readsig
0x170, my_sendsig 0x178
94539  120173 [main] ls 3404 parse_options: glob (called func)
   98  120271 [main] ls 3404 parse_options: tty 1001

$ strace /bin/true
   40    2174 [main] true 3896 time: 1259235243 = time (0)
22838   25012 [sig] true 3896 wait_sig: entering ReadFile loop, my_readsig
0x16C, my_sendsig 0x174
97102  122114 [main] true 3896 parse_options: glob (called func)
   86  122200 [main] true 3896 parse_options: tty 1001

$ strace sh empty.sh
   64   23878 [main] sh 4220 time: 1259235638 = time (0)
 1202   25080 [sig] sh 4220 wait_sig: entering ReadFile loop, my_readsig
0x1B0, my_sendsig 0x1B4
119577  144657 [main] sh 4220 parse_options: glob (called func)
  142  144799 [main] sh 4220 parse_options: tty 1001

Also, when running "strace sh empty.sh", I get a massive delay in
151119  388254 [main] sh 4220 cygwin_gethostname: name Leszek-PC

Could any of this be the reason for the slowness, or is it just a red
herring? And for either of those two options, can anyone help?

- Leszek

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