On Nov 27 16:53, Fergus wrote:
> Fergus wrote:
> FAT32 + [1.7] + XWin stopped being a viable combination after 1.7.60
> for the reasons you describe at
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2009-11/msg00081.html
> (incidentally I find the -nolock switch has no useful effect).

You should put this to the cygwin-xfree list.  Didn't the -nolock
switch work for others?

> So a FAT32 user is stuck with
> reverting to 1.7.0-60 if using XWin
> OR
> using 1.7.0-curr but without XWin.

having a NTFS partition for issues with crippled filesystems.

> Is there any likelihood that Cygwin chiefs would reconsider the
> decision leading to this restriction so that the up-to-date
> combination
> FAT32 + [1.7.0-curr] + Xwin
> remained a possibility?

No, not really.  This is something which should be fixed by a new Xwin.


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