2009/11/27  <lemke...@t-online.de>:
> What am I doing wrong with my first tries of 1.7?  I created in Windows
> Explorer a directory Ébène and in it a file très.  When I look at it
> with ls in an rxvt window I don't see the accented characters but the
> two utf-8 bytes.  Hm.

Rxvt doesn't support UTF-8. It's dead upstream, so that's unlikely to
change. UTF-8 is supported by urxvt (aka rxvt-unicode), xterm, mintty,
and the Cygwin console. Urxvt and xterm require an X server.

> I then created the same directory from tcsh (my standard shell) and
> from bash.

Did you run those in rxvt as well?


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