On 11/29/2009 11:43 AM, Steven Hartland wrote:
Just been chasing my tail for hours trying to figure out why the permissions on a file weren't being set even though no error was being thrown.

It turns out that giving a dos like path to chmod in perl under 1.7 although doesn't error it doesn't do anything either.

Here's my little test case:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

unlink '/tmp/test.exe';

print `touch /tmp/test.exe; ls -l /tmp/test.exe`;

if ( ! chmod 0777, 'C:/cygwin/tmp/test.exe' )
       print STDERR "Failed to chmod ($!)\n";
       exit 1;
I don't have an answer for your problem however why not do:

die "Failed to chmod ($!)"
  unless chmod 0777, 'C:/cygwin/tmp/test.exe';

"die" writing to STDERR and exits with a non-zero status. Additionally, if you don't put a '\n' in the message, die will print out the line number of where it was called. Finally, unless is a cleaner way of specifying not logic (IMHO).
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
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