On Nov 26 22:42, Jeremy Hetzler wrote:
> I have cvs on a client machine connecting to a host over ssh. The cvs
> procedure finishes, but the connection does not terminate until I hit
> ctrl-c. The cvs process is then left running on the host. Regular ssh
> connections (ie interactive login) do not have this problem.
> The host machine is Cygwin 1.7.0 on Windows 7; the client is Cygwin
> 1.5.25 on Windows XP. Attached is a cygcheck from the host and debug
> output from sshd.
> Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Dunno, yet.  Is this a new problem?  In other words, did this effect
start to occur with 1.7.0-65, or do you already suffer calmly for a
longer time?


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