On Nov 30 15:33, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Andy Koppe wrote:
> >2009/11/29 Linda Walsh:
> They are actually listed in all CJK character sets (checking i18n
> data). Whether this was really used or not, it makes their view as
> "presentation forms" weaker.
> >>_I_ use those [wide ASCII chars] in filesnames,
> >>and know of no compatibility problems having them
> >>treated as 'real' ascii characters under cygwin --
> >>since I am just using them for 'display' purposes
> >>in file names like like "Music:the group:title 1/3".
> >Sounds like you've found a good solution there already. The wide forms
> >show up correctly in Explorer, Cygwin, and via Samba, don't they?
> >
> >To make them more convenient to use, you could add them to your
> >keyboard layout using Microsoft's Keyboard Layout Creator, e.g. with
> >AltGr+':' for the wide colon.
> Sounds like a good proposal. On the other hand, I can also understand Linda.
> Trying to conciliate, what about a $CYGWIN option to map pathname
> ":" to filesystem fullwidth "???" etc?
> To meet concerns of unambigous filename representation, it could
> also be a one-way option, so mapping back filesystem "???" to
> itself, and the Interix code to ASCII ":".

Definitely not for 1.7.1, and from my POV this complicates the code
unnecessarily in the long run as well.


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