On Nov 30 10:57, Rance Hall wrote:
> I apologize for the vagueness of this post, but I dont know how to
> track this down as the Windows error messages do not help much.
> I have windows 7 professional, and just installed cygwin-1.7 beta.
> As far as I can tell, the installation works and all is well with the
> cygwin world.
> However, the setup program itself is not interacting with windows 7 correctly.
> I keep getting a windows 7 standard error message after the installer
> runs all the setup scripts and gets ready to exit.
> something in the clean up process (perhaps a registry key setting)
> does not happen and windows knows it didn't happen and throws up an
> message saying that the app likely did not install properly.
> I'm still new with 7 so I don't know how to help isolate this, but am
> willing to try if someone can give me some pointers as to how to
> provide better information than what is here.

Just ignore it.  Tell the system the application installed just fine.
The next invocation of setup will not raise the dialog.


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