On Nov 30 20:53, Robert Pendell wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Angelo Graziosi
> <angelo.grazi...@alice.it> wrote:
> > Robert Pendell wrote:
> >>
> >> P.S. - On linux (when I tested) TEMP, TMP, and TMPDIR were not set and
> >> patch defaulted to /tmp.
> >
> > I noticed that too...
> >
> > Ken Brown wrote:
> >>
> >> That's precisely why I suggested unsetting TEMP and TMP in /etc/profile.
> >> Then things should work as in linux.
> >
> > Indeed. But a question emerges: what does it happen if one starts a Windows
> > application, which needs TEMP or TMP, from Cygwin?
> >
> > For example, GSview (*) can view ps.bz2 or pdf.bz2 files uncompressing them
> > into $TEMP, so it fails if TEMP is not defined, and
> >
> > $ gsview foo.pdf.bz2
> >
> > is broken!
> >
> > This is only an example of problems which can emerge unsetting TEMP.
> >
> > Ciao,
> > Angelo.
> >
> Actually I had thought about that and I found that if you
> intentionally unset all the variables it defaults back to the system
> defined one which is dependent on the current user in Windows.
> Basically what TEMP and TMP is defined to in Windows itself.  This is
> like the behavior in Linux.

I'm wondering if /etc/profile is actually the right place for unsetting
TMP and TEMP.  What about etc/defaults/etc/skel/.bashrc instead?  It
allows every user simple access to the setting of TMP and TEMP and it
could be seasoned with a user-visible comment.


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