The run2 package provides two utilities: 'run2' and 'checkX' (as
the package is actually a renamed and updated successor to the
now-obsoleted checkx package). The first utility is a more powerful
replacement for the venerable 'run' utility that has long been a
part of the cygwin distribution. The second is a test utility that
detects whether an Xserver is active, and exits with an appropriate
status value.

'run2' launches console programs while hiding any actual console
(dos box) that may ordinarily be associated with them. In addition,
'run2' can:
  * set/modify environment variables before launching
    the target program
  * specify a start directory from which to launch the target
  * detect whether an X server is active or not, and
    launch one of two different targets -- with different
    command line arguments, environment settings, and
    startup dirs.
'run2' uses an external XML configuration file to control its own
operation, and to specify the settings which should be applied to
the target program(s).

[[ compiled using gcc-3.4.4-999 ]]

This release supports both cygwin-1.5 and cygwin-1.7. In the
future, support for long filenames, wide chars/unicode filenames
and xml configfile contents may be added, but only to a
cygwin-1.7-specific version (PTC!)

CHANGES since 0.3.0-1
o Fix checkX: improve detection of just-launching X Server
  (Lothar Brendel)
o New library requirement: must have libustr installed.
o Use ustr library for (some) string handling. This is a work
  in progress. Eventually almost all char* will be replaced
  by Ustr. Then, we can begin transitioning to storing UTF-8
  strings rather than narrow NLS ones, and allow the incoming
  XML to be UTF-8 encoded.

Known Limitations
o Doesn't properly use the new (really) long-filename APIs
  of cygwin-1.7
o Makes no attempt to handle wide characters, or national
  language or UTF-8 encodings -- neither in filenames to
  target applications to launch, nor in the contents of the
  configuration xml files.

Charles Wilson
volunteer checkx^H^H^H run2 maintainer for cygwin


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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