
I've read all your postings related to rsh/rlogin,
but I've been unable login with write access to my home.

My home directory is shared by my Windows boxes, and
lives on the Linux machine I'm attempting to come in

My Windows HOME is k:, which I've mounted by way of Windows:

        Tools | Map Network Drive

Its persistent across logins to Windows and works fine.
I install the inetd service thusly:

cygrunsrv -I inetd -d "CYGWIN inetd" -p /usr/sbin/inetd -a -d -e

and I can rlogin, but remote mounts are UNAVAILABLE.

The problem I guess is that all my attempts to mount from the
rlogin session, yield a different uid/gid, the simplest is:

                C:\cygwin> net use k: \\Tor\win-kirke

I created a symbolic link for /home/kirke -> h:
And I can rlogin, but:

                vi ~/.bashrc    - yields a readonly session
                cat >it                 - creates but won't give 'it'
size > 0

[kirke@XOR k]$ l .bashrc
-rw-r--r--    1 kirke    None         1174 Oct  5 16:15 .bashrc
[kirke@XOR k]$ id
uid=1003(kirke) gid=513(None) groups=513(None),544(Administrators)

via Linux:
[kirke@XOR kirke]$ l .bashrc
-rwxr--r--    1 19938    1021         1174 Oct  5 16:15 .bashrc*
[kirke@XOR kirke]$ id
uid=1003(kirke) gid=513(None)


I've scoured the mail archives and Google for a couple days,
fiddled with --user in starting inetd, and several mount
and 'net use' commands no avail.

        mount -b -s -f \\tor\win-kirke /home/kirke

I've placed the Linux machine's name in /etc/hosts.equiv,
and in ~/.rhosts - but apparently .rhosts is inaccessible
from this angle...

Any suggestions appreciated,

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