On Dec 10 19:17, Avijit Ghosh wrote:
> VIM seems to be behaving improperly executing the 'cw' command when the
> cursor is positioned on a block of contiguous white-space characters.
> It is changing *only* the character it is positioned on (instead of changing
> up to the last white-space in the block).
> Consider the following example text (please read using fixed-width font):
> alpha       beta
>      ^
>      Cursor here
> If I type 'cw<ESC>', I get:
> alpha      beta
> I expect, based on using Win32 native VIM 7.2, Cygwin VIM 6.x, and other
> VIM/vi on Unix platforms -- and also on behavior or 'dw' or just 'w' on
> *this* version of VIM:
> alphabeta
> That is, I expect 'cw' to be equivalent in general to 'dwi', and 'cw<ESC>'
> to be equivalent to 'dw' --- this is not the case any more, it seems.

Works exactly as you expect it for me.  I guess you have to blame one of
your vim startup files like ~/.vimrc.


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