On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Jasmit Kaur <> wrote:
> I have recently downloaded cygwin. I am trying to run a ready compiled
> C binary program using bash shell...I get the following error...cannot
> execute binary file - any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Jasmit
> --

First, welcome to Cygwin.

Second, please follow the guidelines here
http://cygwin.com/problems.html when reporting an issue.

Finally, what do you mean exactly by "ready compiled C binary
program?"  If it wasn't compiled using Cygwin, it won't run under

You may need to take the source code and compile it using a Cygwin
bash shell and the Cygwin gcc environment.

From the Cygwin home page:
What Isn't Cygwin?
# Cygwin is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows. You have to
rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows.
# Cygwin is not a way to magically make native Windows apps aware of
UNIX ® functionality, like signals, ptys, etc. Again, you need to
build your apps from source if you want to take advantage of Cygwin



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