2009/12/24 Paul McFerrin:
> I did the upgrade to 1.7.1-1 without any problems.  During the remainder of
> the day, I accidentally blew away my installation of 1.7.1-1.  I restored my
> installation from a backup several days old (1.7.0-65).  Now I'm trying to
> upgrade again.
> Now the questions I have are:
> When I run setup again, it downloads/installes everything in under a minute
> instead of the hour previously.

It wouldn't need to download the packages again, because they should
still be stored in setup.exe's local package directory. So it only
needs to do the install.

> How can I "force" all of my installed
> packages obsolete to force a reload?

If the backup and restore went correctly, you shouldn't need to,
because the install state of all packages is stored in the cygwin
directory, in /etc/setup. You can see which packages are going to be
upgraded by switching to the "Partial" view on setup.exe's package
selection screen.


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