On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 08:05:10PM -0800, Jerry DeLisle wrote:
>On a separate machine from my previous install problem, setup.exe runs but I 
>this warning:
>"The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe.  If you have any 
>trouble installing, please download a fresh .... "
>I have scanned the disks for any ini I can find and there are none remotely 
>related to cygwin.  I have also tried downloading setup.exe several times.
>Continuing on I get:
>... setup.bz2 line 2567: syntax error, unexpected STRING
>Help is much appreciated.

You are *not* downloading the latest version of setup.exe which is the
version that you'll see in setup.ini - 2.674 .

Perhaps some helpful proxy is caching the setup.exe download.


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