2009/12/29 Eric Blake:
>> I couldn't find specific text about invalid bytes in the POSIX printf
>> spec,
> http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/fprintf.html
> "all forms of fprintf() shall fail if:
>    [CX] A wide-character code that does not correspond to a valid
> character has been detected."

The issue wasn't with wide characters, but invalid multibyte chars.
But anyway, we're agreed that printf is right to bail out.

> Remember, POSIX states that any use in a character context of bytes with
> the 8th-bit set is specifically undefined in the C locale (whether that be
> C.ASCII or C.UTF-8).

I very much disagree with that. C.ASCII and C.UTF-8 are different
locales from plain "C", and the whole point of the explicitly stated
charset is to define the meaning of bytes beyond 7-bit ASCII.


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