I had the same problem and have written up the detailed solution on my own 
problem thread; but will share it again here.  It looks like the issue is the 
shell is not starting (heap space error) so the installation won't complete 
it's last steps (which require running shell scripts).  Don't know why.

Basically boot in "Safe Mode with Networking" and run setup then select 
reinstall on all the base files.  For me this got me to the point where I 
could get basic Cygwin working again and I could get a command shell running 
(sometimes).  While this didn't eliminate the heap space error, I was able to 
manage it's impact for the time being.

You might also want to run the "cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out" command from 
the C:/cygwin/bin is a DOS or shell window and attach the cygcheck.out file to 
your email.  It can help with the diagnosis.


Brian S. Wilson
Home: (678) 376-9258       Cell: (678) 232-9357     wil...@ds.net

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