I seem to have a problem with wildcards from the Windows command line
when there are high-bit characters in a filename.

A directory contains only the two files "user" and "användare"
("användare" being user in Swedish):

  C:\Documents and Settings\Bengt2\Desktop\test\ttt>ls -l
  total 0
  -rw-r--r-- 1 Bengt2 Users 0 2009-12-30 02:23 användare
  -rw-r--r-- 1 Bengt2 Users 0 2009-12-30 02:23 user
  C:\Documents and Settings\Bengt2\Desktop\test\ttt>ls u*
  C:\Documents and Settings\Bengt2\Desktop\test\ttt>ls a*
  ls: cannot access a*: No such file or directory
  C:\Documents and Settings\Bengt2\Desktop\test\ttt>ls *
  ls: cannot access *: No such file or directory

It works in bash and dash:
  C:\Documents and Settings\Bengt2\Desktop\test\ttt>bash
  /users/Bengt2/Desktop/test/ttt: ls u*
  /users/Bengt2/Desktop/test/ttt: ls a*
  /users/Bengt2/Desktop/test/ttt: ls *
  användare  user

I have LANG and CYGWIN set, but not having them set doesn't change the

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