Warren Young wrote:
> On 12/30/2009 8:23 AM, mtuma wrote:
>> checking for APR... reconfig
>> configuring package in srclib/apr now
>> /bin/sh: /cygdrive/c/Documents: No such file or directory
>> configure failed for srclib/apr
> It's clearly barfing on the space in "c:\Documents and Settings".  The
> question is why it thinks it needs to be looking in that part of your
> hard disk.  

  Presumably because that is where the build is taking place; OP's home dir
must be under the Docs'n'Settings user dir.  Trying the build in a subdir off
/tmp might be an instant and easy workaround.  Otherwise check the FAQ on the
location of the home dir is decided; specifying a new home dir path (under
/home, for example) without spaces in the /etc/passwd entry might be best, as
this kind of problem could happen again with other software.


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