Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

> I wonder if a new Vista update has somehow exposed a driver
> problem that didn't previously rear its ugly head.

  Speaking of rearing, and ugly heads, reminds me of something, I'm not quite
sure what, like a forgotten ancestral memory of danger ....

> My conclusion is I still don't know what the problem is, but I'm
> reasonably clear the solution is Mac. ;-) 

> (Everybody around me
> uses Macs. The problems there have mostly to do with hard disk
> failures.)

  Yeh.  A falling hippo will do that to your park zone.  Youse guys wanna be
careful there, somebody might burn it down!


uh, yeh.  happy new year everyone.  normal service will be resumed.  probably.
  someday.  or maybe not !

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