David Antliff <david.antl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 07:55, Kevin Layer <la...@franz.com> wrote:
>> >  la...@hobart128 /c/tmp
>> >  $ git clone git:/repo/git/acl acl.test
>> >  Initialized empty Git repository in /c/tmp/acl.test/.git/
>> >  remote: Counting objects: 9205, done.
>> >  remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3300/3300), done.
>> >  fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
>> >  fatal: early EOFs:  62% (5708/9205)
>> >  fatal: index-pack failed
>> I'm no git expert, but that looks to me like the remote side (where
>> the repository is stored) is experiencing the error while it's
>> preparing data for transfer, and your local git is simply reporting
>> the remote error. It also looks like the remote side is actually the
>> same machine but you're using the git:// protocol to access it without
>> specifying a remote server. I've never tried this and would have
>> expected instead to see something like:

I'm not using the git protocol.  Note the single slash.  The machine
is named `git', which is what is confusing you.  Anything of the form
"foo:/path" uses SSH, which is what this is using.

The server is hanging up, yes, but perhaps the client isn't sending
the right responses.

>> Since it looks like the remote is on the same machine as your shell,
>> do you have write access to the actual repository? If so, you could
>> run git-fsck on the repository to make sure it's intact.

No, it's on a different machine, but there is absolutely nothing wrong
with the repo.

I've tried *THREE* Windows machines now.  On all, git stops working
when cygwin is upgraded.  Works before.  Doesn't work after.  Period.

It is not a problem on the server.  There are 10+ of people using it
every minute of the day and no one has had a problem.  Ever.

>> What about other repositories, do they behave the same way, or is your
>> problem restricted to this one?

It's random (at what percentage) where it dies (with this repo).  It
randomly dies with other repos, too.

I did install 1.5.25 on the 64-bit Windows 7 machine and git works
fine.  I've sucked an enormous amount of data off the git server with
it, too, and not one problem.


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