On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 02:10:19PM -0800, Jonathan Schedler wrote:
>The following foo.sh script reproduces what I am seeing, using
>notepad.exe instead of java.exe
>notepad &
>procps -eF
>If the above is in a file named foo.sh,  the output of procps -eF will be
>Jon       5072  4756  0  1390  7548   0 14:08 tty0     00:00:00
>/usr/bin/bash ./foo.sh
>Jon       6012  5072  0   407  8576   0 14:08 tty0     00:00:00
>/usr/bin/bash ./foo.sh
>Jon       5716  5072  0  1185  6012   0 14:08 tty0     00:00:00 procps -eF
>Notice the procps command shows up correctly.  So it seems I have an
>issue displaying normal windows exe's in procps output.

AFAIK, Cygwin has always worked like this.  I just tried it with Cygwin 1.5
and see the same behavior and, it's what I'd expect since retrieving the
command line output requires a cooperative cygwin process.


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