Some additional notes on this:
On 13.01.2010 07:48, ext Andy Koppe wrote:
2010/1/12 Niklaus Kuehnis:
I've upgraded to Cygwin 1.7 (release version, clean install) and now am unable to print text files with non-ascii characters (i.e. German umlauts) from commandline.

On Cygwin 1.5 printing used to work with a2ps but now all umlauts are replaced by strange characters (i.e. the u with diaeresis appears as a capital A with a tilde and '1/4'). The same happens with lpr. The files print fine using the Windows text editor.
The problem is that both a2ps and lpr don't yet support UTF-8.
So the easiest practical solution is to use a Windows tool:
notepad /p filename

as I also use it for the print function of my editor mined; notepad auto-detects UTF-8 nicely!
1. notepad /p prints to your default printer
2. for font configuration, invoke notepad manually;
if you want a fixed-width font for text printing, these are recommendable for a good coverage of Unicode: Lucida Console, Courier New, Andale Mono, Everson Mono configure 10 pt font size to make sure 80 characters fit on a line, 11 pt for 72 characters
3. can somebody check/confirm this still works on Vista, please?


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